Floor Mats For Hospitals

Hospitals are very busy environments that require matting for many purposes. We have created this blog to provide a brief overview of hospital floor mats to help you choose the right mat for your situation.

Uses for Floor Mats in Hospitals:

These are some of the most common uses of mats in hospitals:

Enhance hygiene levels

The entrance mats prevent dirt from getting in from the outside, from both foot traffic as well as wheeled traffic. The fewer germs and bacteria that get in, the better.

Anti-microbial mats can be used to kill germs that come into contact with the mat.

Enhance safety

Hard floors can slip, especially when liquid is present. Mats placed strategically can stop falls, trips, slips, and trips.

Spillage containment

Mats are excellent at holding onto spillages and preventing them from leaking onto nearby floors.

Increase worker productivity

Staff in hospitals often have to stand or walk around the same places all day. Anti Fatigue mats can be placed in these areas to provide comfort and stimulation, which can help to prevent tired feet and aching legs.

Where floor mats are used by hospitals


A good entrance mat can prevent as much dirt from entering the hospital as 90%. Hospitals often have multiple entrances and receive a lot of foot traffic. This will make it necessary to have top-quality entrance matting.

A matting system for the main entrances is a better option.

Classic solutions entrance mats should be easy to use for wheelchairs and wheeled traffic.


To help prevent bedside incidents such as accidents involving the toilet or sickness, mats can also be placed alongside beds. Anti-microbial mats are available to stop the spread and growth of bacteria and germs caused by such accidents.

You can also use cushioned mattresses to protect those who have difficulty getting in or out of bed.

Reception areas

Many staff, such as surgeons, receptionists, and others, must stand for extended periods of time to perform their jobs. Anti Fatigue Mats are designed to reduce fatigue in staff members and make them more alert and more able to do their job more efficiently.

Cleaning areas/Washrooms

Any area where water or spillages could come into direct contact with the floor can pose a risk of slippage, such as in bathrooms, hand gel, and scrub down areas. You can prevent slips by using mats that are placed around spillages.

Vending Machines

If you don't act quickly, spillages of food or drink can pose a risk to your safety. You can prevent slips from occurring by placing mats underneath vending machines.

Mat cleaning

Mats that remove dirt and clean up spillages can also hold bacteria. It is therefore important that they are not used as a breeding ground.

It is important that hospital floor mats are easy to clean. Many hospital floor mats are washable and can be used straight in the washing machine. Some mats can go in an autoclave machine, which cleans other hospital equipment. This will sterilize and completely sanitize them.